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Sign up for the Performance plan

Unlimited, self-service employment agreements and offers

Create legally compliant individual employment agreements and offer documents and sign, store and manage them all in the cloud.

For a specific role and candidate you can generate:

• Letter of Offer (inclusive of tracked conditions);
• Employment Agreement (Permanent; Fixed Term; Casual)*;
• Job Description (from a library of 2,000+); and
• 100% paperless Digital Offer with native e-Signing and cloud filing.

* using custom and/or Employr recommended, clauses

For a specific employee you can create and manage:

• Letter of Offer conditions tracking;
• Employee account access to read and acknowledge workplace policies (tracked);
• Employee account access to digitally manage tax and payroll forms;
• Letter of Variation (amending the individual employment agreement);
• Employment Agreement (Permanent; Fixed Term; Casual);
• Letters and notes relating to the employment relationship; and
• Tracked records of working visas, licences, professional or trade association memberships, certifications, required to work.


Your subscription cost is based on your selected feature set and you can change subscription level if you discover the selected one doesn’t suit your needs.

Advanced Subscription: $129+gst per month (billed annually).

Complete the form below to request a call back:


    Disclaimer: Employr provides information and agreements reviewed by a New Zealand employment law expert. We cannot provide legal advice or legal representation. For complex employment matters, or legal representation we recommend you engage a lawyer.