Features and benefits

Better. Faster. Cheaper.

Employ with
legal confidence

Legally trusted – our agreements are maintained by a leading employment lawyer and kept current with New Zealand employment laws

Error-free – Employr greatly reduces the risk of human and version error.
We ensure you get it right first the time, every time

Automating and connecting the entire agreement process increases productivity and delivers faster turnaround times

Contracts for any kind of employment relationship (Permanent/Fixed-Term; Full Time or Part Time or Casual), business and industry

Save up to 98% of time
preparing documents

Smart technology – algorithms and automations build industry, business,
and candidate tailored contracts and letters at a minimum 10x faster

Super efficient – Employr requires you do only what you need to, meaning
you waste zero time on things you don’t. Options to outsource tasks to employees

1-click digital signing native 2-party e-signing and dynamic cloud filing, saves you the trouble of printing,, signing and scanning – streamlining your administrative processes

Employr includes automatic tracking of key contract dates removing the
reliance on time consuming manual processes

Be first in the race
for talent

Create a candidate, industry, business and role specific agreement
ready to sign in seconds

Candidate personalised job offer letter, with any conditions
to meet, instantly created and condition fullment dynamically tracked

Easily and quickly create and customise position descriptions
from our library of 1500+ roles

Sign online and make 100% digital offers in seconds and be first in the
line when hiring

Fully customised
to your business

Brand your Employr User Interface with your firm logo
added to your online portal and system emails

Your letterhead – employment agreements, letters and
job descriptions and all carry your logo and contact details

Your culture – Employr is configured with your employee
benefits, living/minimum wage settings, cultural/equity values

Your business rules – configured with your holiday /leave
Kiwisaver, IP protection, drug testing, restraint conditions, etc

in one place

One version of the truth – confidential permission-based access to
the sole and authoritative version – all cloud stored; change logged; secured.

Profile and document management – track the lifecycle of employees from
from candidate to terminated and log all events, dates and documents.

Ongoing monitoring – track key dates (Visas, trial/probation period; pay and
holiday anniversaries; registration/certification; safety vetting, training, etc.)

Securely in Cloud – secure access 24/7; nothing to install; automatically
updated; automatically backed-up.

No lawyer

The gold standard in contract quality – agreement precedent library written and maintained by a specialist and leading New Zealand employment barrister

Compliant with latest law changes – Updated in real time to reflect the latest legislation and court judgements in NZ employment law

Built in risk management – all options meet minimum legal requirements (minimum wage; leave allowances; Kiwisaver; etc.) ensuring legal compliance

Taking care of business – automatic tracking of key contract dates ensure you never end up on the wrong side of the law

Reduce the costs
of employing

Time is money – Employr is the fastest way to create and manage
the legal compliance of hiring

No legal fees for contract templates, employment agreement drafting,
agreement reviews, template updates as law changes

Easily and quickly create and customise position descriptions
from our library of 1500+ roles

Sign online and share digitally in seconds and be first in the
race for talent

Employ easy. Employ legal.

Your complete offer of employment system when hiring, re-hiring, or varying employment agreements.