About Us

Taking care of business

Kia ora, we’re Employr  

Founded by Mark Donovan, a New Zealand qualified barrister specialising in employment law for 20 years, Employr is run by a team of specialists in New Zealand employment law and legal technology applications that have teamed-up to reinvent the hiring and firing legal processes so that they can be accessed simpler than ever before, faster than ever before and cheaper than ever before.

Having experienced first hand the fall out of employers’ relying on templates: making innocent but costly copy and paste errors and omissions; using templates from other countries inappropriate for New Zealand employment law; using templates out of date with current employment laws; entering values below the minimum entitlements; and failing to include all the request documentation or process requirements; Mark embarked on the invention of a fool-proof system for the rapid and easy creation of legal and fit-for-purpose employment offer documents. The result is Employr – the world’s first cloud-based end-to-end offer of employment document creation and management system.

It’s not only legally superior, it’s also simpler, faster and cheaper.

Mahi pai ake – Work better


Trusted. Proven. Technically Excellent.




Our values

We have a unique culture built on recognising and valuing the talents of our people, each of whom chooses to work here because of a shared sense of purpose. Our values help us to work together to solve problems that deliver benefits to our customers.

Building the new

Make it different, make it better, make it transformative. We aim to be bold and disrupt the old by building the new. To lead the way to greater productivity, equal opportunities, new opportunities and better outcomes for employers and employees.

Different, never indifferent

We don’t take anything for granted. We always care for you, for each other, for our investors, and ourselves. Success comes from being in it together.

EMPLOYR LIMITED is a New Zealand registered based and owned company NZBN 9429050617814.
employr is a New Zealand registered trademark.

Employ easy. Employ legal.

Your complete offer of employment system when hiring, re-hiring, or varying employment agreements.