Save yourself the legal fees
Frictionless Pricing
Just like our tools, we keep our pricing model friendly and accessible:
Subscriptions from NZ$5.50 per employee / month*
• Automated employment agreements (Permanent; Fixed-Term; Casual)
• Fully-customisable industry, business and candidate specific employment terms
• Automatic minimum legal requirement rule checks (NZ employment laws)
• Cloud based letters of variation data-linked to contracts
• Native Digital Signing for employer and employee
• Position Description Library (2000+ roles) and Workplace policy library
• Automated contract event and key date tracking
• Secure employee profile, contract and policy access
• Business branded admin and employee portal and system emails
• Automatic legal precedent updates
*$5.50 is the minimum cost per employee and for the largest employers. Subscription tiers and cost per employee based on employer size. Minimum subscription cost is $49.95 / month. Prices are GST exclusive.
A one-off set up cost (based on business size) applies. Additional costs may apply to businesses that need custom configurations outside the typical parameters.
Employ easy. Employ legal.
Your complete offer of employment system when hiring, re-hiring, or varying employment agreements.