Save yourself the legal fees


Frictionless Pricing

Just like our tools, we keep our pricing model friendly and accessible:

Subscriptions from NZ$5.50 per employee / month*

• Automated employment agreements (Permanent; Fixed-Term; Casual)
• Fully-customisable industry, business and candidate specific employment terms
• Automatic minimum legal requirement rule checks (NZ employment laws)
• Cloud based letters of variation data-linked to contracts
• Native Digital Signing for employer and employee
• Position Description Library (2000+ roles) and Workplace policy library
• Automated contract event and key date tracking
• Secure employee profile, contract and policy access
• Business branded admin and employee portal and system emails
• Automatic legal precedent updates

*$5.50 is the minimum cost per employee and for the largest employers. Subscription tiers and cost per employee based on employer size. Minimum subscription cost is $49.95 / month. Prices are GST exclusive.
A one-off set up cost (based on business size) applies. Additional costs may apply to businesses that need custom configurations outside the typical parameters.

…really is a great product. I am impressed.

Troy Coyle (CEO) – Heavy Engineering Research Association

Employ easy. Employ legal.

Your complete offer of employment system when hiring, re-hiring, or varying employment agreements.